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Greater Than and Less Than Symbols in C# Regular Expression

I am using a Regex pattern "MilliSeconds\\s\\&lt;" and try to compare with the input "MilliSeconds <" but everytime my Regex match is getting failed. Can anyone tell what is wrong here?

MilliSeconds followed by backslash and &lt;

string value = @"MilliSecs <Test Run";
string pattern = @"MilliSecs\s\&lt;";

Match mtchObj = Regex.Match(value,pattern);


Which my input string is not getting matched with the pattern?

Note that the regex engine does not know of XML escaped strings, and &lt; does not stand both for a &lt; string and < character. In other words, these entities are not identical for the regex engine.

It appears you can modify the pattern . Note that it is possible to match either < or &lt; with the help of alternation and grouping :


So, (?:&lt;|<) is a non-capturing group that tries to match &lt; and if it is not found, < is tried.

Use simply string pattern = @"MilliSecs\\s<"; , there is no need to escape < in this regex since it doesn't have a special meaning. You code should be:

string value = @"MilliSecs <Test Run";
string pattern = @"MilliSecs\s<";

Match mtchObj = Regex.Match(value,pattern);


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