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How to sum digits of an integer in java?

I am having a hard time figuring out the solution to this problem. I am trying to develop a program in Java that takes a number, such as 321, and finds the sum of digits, in this case 3 + 2 + 1 = 6. I need all the digits of any three digit number to add them together, and store that value using the % remainder symbol. This has been confusing me and I would appreciate anyones ideas.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num = 321;
        int sum = 0;
        while (num > 0) {
            sum = sum + num % 10;
            num = num / 10;



A simple solution using streams:

int n = 321;
int sum = String.valueOf(n)

Recursions are always faster than loops!

Shortest and best:

public static long sumDigits(long i) {
    return i == 0 ? 0 : i % 10 + sumDigits(i / 10);

You can do it using Recursion

//Sum of digits till single digit is obtained
public int sumOfDigits(int num) 
            int sum = 0;

            while (num > 0)
                sum = sum + num % 10;
                num = num / 10;

            sum = (sum <10) ? sum : sumOfDigits(sum);

            return sum;

without mapping ➜ the quicker lambda solution

Integer.toString( num ).chars().boxed().collect( Collectors.summingInt( (c) -> c - '0' ) );

…or same with the slower % operator

Integer.toString( num ).chars().boxed().collect( Collectors.summingInt( (c) -> c % '0' ) );

…or Unicode compliant

Integer.toString( num ).codePoints().boxed().collect( Collectors.summingInt( Character::getNumericValue ) );

shouldn't you be able to do it recursively something like so? I'm kinda new to programming but I traced this out and I think it works.

int sum(int n){
return n%10 + sum(n/10);

If you love constant time try this:

double d = 10984.491;

// converting to String because of floating point issue of precision
String s = new String(d + "").replaceAll("\\D+","");
int i = Integer.parseInt(s);      

System.out.println(i % 9 == 0 ? 9 : i % 9);

Logic is if you add any number by 9, resulting addition of digit will result in the same number.

Example : 6 + 9 = 15 then 1 + 5 = 6 (again you got 6).

In case of decimal point, remove it and add resulting digits.

Below code does the trick:

i % 9 == 0 ? 9 : i % 9

This should be working fine for any number of digits and it will return individual digit's sum

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("enter a string");
    String numbers = input.nextLine();  //String would be 55
    int sum = 0;
    for (char c : numbers.toCharArray()) {
        sum += c - '0';
    System.out.println(sum); //the answer is 10

Sums all the digits regardless of number's size.

private static int sumOfAll(int num) {
    int sum = 0;

    if(num == 10) return 1;

    if(num > 10) {
        sum += num % 10;
        while((num = num / 10) >= 1) {
            sum += (num > 10) ? num%10 : num;
    } else {
        sum += num;
    return sum;

The following method will do the task:

public static int sumOfDigits(int n) {
    String digits = new Integer(n).toString();
    int sum = 0;
    for (char c: digits.toCharArray())
        sum += c - '0';
    return sum;

You can use it like this:

System.out.printf("Sum of digits = %d%n", sumOfDigits(321));

Click here to see full program

Sample code:

public static void main(String args[]) {
    int number = 333;
    int sum = 0;
    int num = number;
    while (num > 0) {
        int lastDigit = num % 10;
        sum += lastDigit;
        num /= 10;
    System.out.println("Sum of digits : "+sum);

In Java 8, this is possible in a single line of code as follows:

int sum = Pattern.compile("")

It might be too late, but I see that many solutions posted here use O(n^2) time complexity, this is okay for small inputs, but as you go ahead with large inputs, you might want to reduce time complexity. Here is something which I worked on to do the same in linear time complexity.

NOTE : The second solution posted by Arunkumar is constant time complexity.

    private int getDigits(int num) {
    int sum =0;
    while(num > 0) { //num consists of 2 digits max, hence O(1) operation
        sum = sum + num % 10;
        num = num / 10;
    return sum;
public int addDigits(int N) {
    int temp1=0, temp2= 0;
    while(N > 0) {
        temp1= N % 10;
        temp2= temp1 + temp2;
        temp2= getDigits(temp2); // this is O(1) operation
        N = N/ 10;
    return temp2;

Please ignore my variable naming convention, I know it is not ideal. Let me explain the code with sample input , eg "12345". Output must be 6, in a single traversal.

Basically what I am doing is that I go from LSB to MSB , and add digits of the sum found, in every iteration.

The values look like this

Initially temp1 = temp2 = 0

N     | temp1 ( N % 10)  | temp2 ( temp1 + temp2 )
12345 | 5                | 5   
1234  | 4                | 5 + 4 = 9 ( getDigits(9) = 9)
123   | 3                | 9 + 3 = 12 = 3 (getDigits(12) =3 )
12    | 2                | 3 + 2 = 5 (getDigits(5) = 5)
1     | 1                | 5 + 1 = 6 (getDigits(6) = 6 )

Answer is 6, and we avoided one extra loop. I hope it helps.

May be little late ..but here is how you can do it recursively

public int sumAllDigits(int number) {
    int sum = number % 10;

    if(number/10 < 10){
        return sum + number/10;
        return sum + sumAllDigits(number/10);

In Java 8,

public int sum(int number) {
  return (number + "").chars()
                      .map(digit -> digit % 48)

Converts the number to a string and then each character is mapped to it's digit value by subtracting ascii value of '0' (48) and added to the final sum.

If you need a one-liner I guess this is a very nice solution:

int sum(int n){
  return n >= 10 ? n % 10 + sum(n / 10) : n;

Java 8 Recursive Solution, If you dont want to use any streams.

UnaryOperator<Long> sumDigit = num -> num <= 0 ? 0 : num % 10 + this.sumDigit.apply(num/10);

How to use

Long sum = sumDigit.apply(123L);

Above solution will work for all positive number. If you want the sum of digits irrespective of positive or negative also then use the below solution.

UnaryOperator<Long> sumDigit = num -> num <= 0 ? 
         (num == 0 ? 0 : this.sumDigit.apply(-1 * num)) 
         : num % 10 + this.sumDigit.apply(num/10);

Java 8 Solution:

int n= 29;    

We should not just try to solve it with recursion but also look for optimized ways of solving it. One such option is using tail recursion . Space complexity of recursive algorithms increases when the depth of recursion increases, which can be optimized using tail recursion

public class SumOfDigits {

    public int tailRecursiveSumOfDigits(int number, int accumulator)

        if(number < 10)
            return accumulator + number;
            int remainder = number % 10;
            return tailRecursiveSumOfDigits(number/10, remainder + accumulator);

    public static void main(String[] args)
        SumOfDigits sod = new SumOfDigits();


Here is a simple program for sum of digits of the number 321.

  import java.math.*;

        class SumOfDigits {
            public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
                int sum = 0;
                int i = 321;
                    sum = (i % 10) + (i / 10);
                        if (sum > 9) {
                            int n = (sum % 10) + (sum / 10);
                            System.out.print("Sum of digits of " + i + " is " + n);

                           System.out.print("Sum of digits of " + i + " is " + sum );     




Sum of digits of 321 is 6

Or simple you can use this..check below program.

public class SumOfDigits {

public static void main(String[] args) 
    long num = 321;

/*  int rem,sum=0;
        rem = num%10;
        sum = sum+rem;

        long sum = ((num%9==0) ? 9 : num%9);


Mine is more simple than the others hopefully you can understand this if you are a some what new programmer like myself.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;

public class DigitsSum {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int digit = 0;
        System.out.print("Please enter a positive integer: ");
        digit = in.nextInt();
        int D1 = 0;
        int D2 = 0;
        int D3 = 0;
        int G2 = 0;
        D1 = digit / 100;
        D2 = digit % 100;
        G2 = D2 / 10;
        D3 = digit % 10;

        System.out.println(D3 + G2 + D1);


In addition to the answers here, I can explain a little bit. It is actually a mathematical problem.

321 is the total of 300 + 20 + 1.

If you divide 300 by 100, you get 3.

If you divide 20 by 10, you get 2.

If you divide 1 by 1, you get 1.

At the end of these operations, you can sum up all of them and you get 6.

public class SumOfDigits{

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int myVariable = 542;
    int checker = 1;
    int result = 0;
    int updater = 0;

    //This while finds the size of the myVariable
    while (myVariable % checker != myVariable) {
        checker = checker * 10;

    //This for statement calculates, what you want.
    for (int i = checker / 10; i > 0; i = i / 10) {

        updater = myVariable / i;
        result += updater;
        myVariable = myVariable - (updater * i);

    System.out.println("The result is " + result);

整数和= 1 +(输入-1)%9;

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