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Parse comma-separated values with Scanner: mismatch exception

I realize there are many topics on the subjects, but I couldn't fine one that responds to this case:

I have multiple lines of input, for which the format can not be edited.

For example, I have:




As you can tell, the first one is an integer, and is not delimited by anything. Next, we have 3 doubles, delimited by a comma.

I successfully got the nextInt(). When I try nextDouble(), I am getting an Input Mismatch Exception.

I already tried to use both Locale English and US.

So how would one read these inputs? First one is an int, followed by 3 doubles, and another 3 ints.

Here is the relevant code:

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); // tried delimiters and locale here
int tests = in.nextInt();
System.out.println(in.nextDouble()); //this is where the input exception occurs

By default, Scanner uses whitespace as delimiter. You can set a custom delimiter (commas in this case):

 Scanner s = new Scanner(input).useDelimiter("(\\s|,)+");

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