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Setting user data into HTML tags using c#

i've been trying to call a method using javascript onclick(instead of running the code on page_load) to get the data i want to be printed on the page in the right places (in order for the user to edit his information) but i can't figure out how to do it with a static function. i haven't yet learned how to use non-static functions but when i removed the static part it allowed me to access my html tags, but the code ran regardless of whether i called the method or not.


 <input type="button" onclick="<%GetUserData();%>"/>

Behind code : paymentOptions is the id of the select tag, notnow is the radio for not choosing a payment option, and payment is the radio for choosing a payment option, which then shows the select tag

  static void GetUserData()
    string sqlS = "select * from UserInfo where IDD='" + Session["UserId"] + "'and Pass='" + Session["UserPass"] + "'";
    DalAccess dal = new DalAccess(sqlS);
    ds = dal.GetDataSet(sqlS);
    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
        DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];

        if (row["PaymentOptions"].ToString() == "NotNow")
            notnow.Checked = true;

            payment.Checked = true;
            switch (row["PaymentOptions"].ToString())
                case "option1": paymentOptions.SelectedIndex = 1;
                case "option2": paymentOptions.SelectedIndex = 2;
                case "option3": paymentOptions.SelectedIndex = 3;
                case "option4": paymentOptions.SelectedIndex = 4;
                case "option5": paymentOptions.SelectedIndex = 5;


It gives me this error: an object reference is required for the nonstatic field method or property

Obviously, i understand what this means, but my question is: How do i access HTML tags in a static method?


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