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How do I get my program to update the increment in the GUI window? (python 3)

So I'm trying to create a program in a GUI window that tells the user to press the button and displays the amount of time the button has been pressed. Here's what the window looks like:


The problem is that clicking the button is not affecting the number of presses, thus it always remains at 0.

Here's my code so far:

import tkinter

presses = 0

canHitEnter = True

def updateButtonPress():   #????????????????????? 
    global presses
    presses = presses + 1
    if going():
        pressesLabel.after(500, updateButtonPress)

def updateDisplay():
    global presses
    pressesLabel.config(text = 'PRESSES: ' + str(presses))
    empty.after(100, updateDisplay)

def going():
    global presses
    return True

def start(event):
    global canHitEnter
    if canHitEnter == False:
        canHitEnter = False

gui = tkinter.Tk()
gui.title('Press the Button')

startLabel = tkinter.Label(gui, text = 'press enter to start the game', font = 16)

pressesLabel = tkinter.Label(gui, text = 'presses: ' + str(presses), font = 14)

buttonLabel = tkinter.Button(gui, text = 'press', command = updateButtonPress)

empty = tkinter.Label(gui, text = '_')

gui.bind('<Return>', start)

I don't understand why it's ignoring the presses = presses + 1 part in updatebuttonPress() , what exactly am I doing wrong?

You aren't ever calling your updateDisplay function to set the label to have the new value of the presses variable. Just call updateDisplay within your updateButtonPress function.

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