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Creating permutations of e-mail addresses

I want to make e-mail address generator. Something like mixing the email parts.

I counted and with 4 parts of an email (name, surnames, numbers, dots/special characters) there will be 256 combinations without the host.

With using inter tools I could not add host to out string and that string is not an email, but text like: ('1','2','3',4') , but I want it to be 1234@mail.com .

I'm using Python 3.

I believe this is what you're after

from itertools import permutations

email = '1234@mail.com'
name, sep, domain = email.partition('@')
perm_list = [''.join(x)+sep+domain for x in permutations(name)]

['1234@mail.com', '1243@mail.com', '1324@mail.com', ... ]

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