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Tic Tac Toe : Java

I'm really lost, I'm having trouble building this game. I need your guys help. Been struggling for days now to figure this out. I have three classes, Driver, Board, and Player. I have the driver, and I think the board class under control. I'm mainly struggling with the player class. The goal of this is to have a computer player be able to randomly input into the array, and then have the player be able to input their choice of where they want to play.

public class Driver
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //new tic-tac-toe board
        Board board = new Board();

        //two new players (conputer and human)
        Player computer = new Player(board, "X");   //Give computer player access to board and assign as X.
        Player human = new Player(board, "O");      //Give human player access to board and assign as O.

        //while the game is not over
            //let computer move first

            //print tic-tac-toe board

            //if the game is not over yet
            if (!board.gameOver())
                //let the human make a move

                //if the game is over
                if (board.gameOver())
                    //print the board

        //print out the winner (if there is one) of the game

Board class

public class Board
    private String player = "X";
    private String cpu = "O";
    int row = 3;
    int column = 3;
    private String[][] theBoard = new String[row][column] ;

    public Board()
        theBoard = theBoard;

    public boolean gameOver()
       if  (theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[2][0] == player || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player) //   Diagonal      /
                return false;
        else if (theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][0] == cpu || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu) //   Diagonal      /

                return false;

           return true;

    public void print()

        System.out.println(theBoard[0][0] + " | " + theBoard[0][1]+ " | " + theBoard[0][2] + "\n----------");

        System.out.println(theBoard[1][0] + " | " + theBoard[1][1]+ " | " + theBoard[1][2] + "\n----------");

        System.out.println(theBoard[2][0] + " | " + theBoard[2][1]+ " | " + theBoard[2][2] + "\n");


    public void printWinner()
       if  (theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][0] == player && theBoard[2][0] == player || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][1] == player || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == player && theBoard[1][2] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[2][2] == player || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == player && theBoard[1][1] == player && theBoard[0][2] == player) //   Diagonal      /
                System.out.println("X - won!");
        else if (theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu || // 1st row
            theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu || // 2nd row
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd row
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][0] == cpu && theBoard[2][0] == cpu || // 1st col.
            theBoard[0][1] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][1] == cpu || // 2nd col.
            theBoard[0][2] == cpu && theBoard[1][2] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // 3rd col.
            theBoard[0][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[2][2] == cpu || // Diagonal          \ 
            theBoard[2][0] == cpu && theBoard[1][1] == cpu && theBoard[0][2] == cpu) //   Diagonal      /

                System.out.println("O - won!");


And Player class, this is the one I'm struggling with the most.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Player

    String player = "X";
    String cpu = "O";
    private Board ticTac;
    public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    public Player(Board board, String inBoard )
        ticTac = board;
public void randomPlace()
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

    public void computerMove()


    public void humanMove()



null | null | null
null | null | null
null | null | null

I think maybe this can help you.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Player

    String player = "X";
    String cpu = "O";

    int row = 3;
    int column = 3;

    private Board ticTac;

    public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    public Player(Board board, String inBoard )
        //here you have the board in player
        tictac = board;

    public void computerMove()
    {   //here you can code something like this

    public void humanMove(Position position)
        tictac.put(position, human);

you have to code in Board the put(Position, String), and the getRandomFreePlace()

Then scan for player movement and print the board.


Oh, you want to initialize your board? you can make that with a double for

        //here you can set the value you want

Not sure if i understood your question can you re-word it or give me an example?

From what i understood is that you would like to have your board method used in your player class is that correct?

if you created a board class and gave it whatever characteristics it need then inside your player class you can created a new class of "it" and then call it by its name to retrieve whatever characteristics you gave it.

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