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SQL rounding time to nearest 30 minutes

I am using this SQL Query:

SELECT ROUND((hours*60+minutes)/30) from table 

which calculates the number 30 minutes segments

if i have 2 hours, 10 minutes this is returning 30_minute_segments = '4' however i would like it to show 5 as the 10 minutes should count as 30 minutes.

how can i do this?

I think you want to use CEIL instead of ROUND . CEIL will round up.

SELECT CEIL((hours*60+minutes)/30) from table

I just realized that I assumed you were using Oracle. But you didn't specify your database.

For SQL Server, the equivalent function is CEILING() . Most databases have something similar. (Note: if using SQL Server, be mindful of @Chizzle's comment below.)

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