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Python - Writing numpy array data to a pipe opened with Popen

I am trying to write a numpy array data to a pipe opened using subprocess.Popen in Python 3.4. Here is the code

import numpy
import subprocess

myArray = numpy.arange(10000).reshape([100,100])

fullCmd = "xpaset DS9Test array [xdim=100,bitpix=64,arch=littleendian,ydim=100]"

mp = subprocess.Popen(
    shell = True, 
    stdin = subprocess.PIPE, 
    stdout = subprocess.PIPE, 
    stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
    bufsize = 0


Unfortunately I am getting the following error:

  File "/Users/avigan/Work/HC-HR/FTS/test.py", line 25, in <module>

OSError: first argument must be a string or open file

However, if I do:


<_io.FileIO name=71 mode='wb'>

I interpret this as a sign that the file descriptor is indeed open.

Anyone sees what wrong here?

Not exactly the solution what you ask for, but I had the same problem of wanting to redirect the numpy array to a PIPE so I could redirect it into feedgnuplot to build a histogram.

Instead, I ended up using a temporary file as follows:

import os
import tempfile

command = " | feedgnuplot --terminal 'dumb 160,40' --histogram 0 --with boxes --unset grid --exit"
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+t', suffix=".txt") as f:
    np.savetxt(f, myArray, fmt='%.4f')
    os.system("sudo more " + f.name + command)

While your usage requirement is probably different, you can still probably read back the temporary file for your own application.


According to the docs, this should be equivalent to tofile for writing binary data:


See if it works.

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