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Out of range index this.buf.utf8Slice

I have a kafka stream with avro message using the confluent.io kafka package. This is working fine for the java applications. But I am now trying to read in these messages in javascript.

I've been attempting to use the kafka-node + avsc packages to decode the messages from a buffer array to string, using the schema. I know that confluent puts the first 5 bytes as a magic byte (0) + 4 bytes for the schema Id.

So I slice the Buffer to remove those bytes and attempt to send this to avsc to decode. But I get an error

return this.buf.utf8Slice(pos, pos + len);

RangeError: out of range index at RangeError (native) at Tap.readString (C:\\git\\workflowapps\\workItemsApp\\node_modules\\avsc\\lib\\utils.js:452:19) at StringType._read (C:\\git\\workflowapps\\workItemsApp\\node_modules\\avsc\\lib\\types.js:612:58)

Also attempting to manually decode this leaves lots of non-utf8 characters and I am losing data that way.

Sample Code:

  consumer.on('message', function(message) {
      var val = message.value.slice(4);
      sails.log.info('val buffer', val, val.length);
      var type = avro.parse({"type":"record",

      var decodedValue = type.fromBuffer(val);
      sails.log.info('Decoded', decodedValue);

Your slice(4) should be slice(5) (otherwise you're only skipping 4 out of the 5 header bytes). You might also be able to find helpful information here .

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