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Java-How to print specific array from a list?

I've created an arraylist, after i input with scanner a name, i would like to search if the name is equal to getName and after to print entire array with voce.get(i).toString().

Like search robert, it's search all arraylist and when found a getName who's equale to robert print al array.

Sorry for my bad english

public class Item {
private String nome,indirizzo,cellulare;

public Item(String nome, String indirizzo, String cellulare){
    this.nome = nome;
    this.indirizzo = indirizzo;
    this.cellulare = cellulare;

public String toString(){
    return this.getNome() + this.getIndirizzo() + this.getCellulare();

public String getNome() {
        return this.nome;
        return "Sconosciuto";

public void setNome(String nome) {
    this.nome = nome;

public String getIndirizzo() {
        return this.indirizzo;
    else {
        return "Sconosciuto";

public void setIndirizzo(String indirizzo) {
    this.indirizzo = indirizzo;

public String getCellulare() {
        return this.cellulare;
    else {
        return "Sconosciuto";

public void setCellulare(String cellulare) {
    this.cellulare = cellulare;


import java.util.*;

public class AggPersone {
public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList<Item> voce = new ArrayList<Item>();

    voce.add(new Item("Robert", "Via qualcosa", "123"));
    voce.add(new Item("Roberto","Via qualcosina", "123"));

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("chi cerchi?");
    String chiave = input.nextLine();

    for(int i = 0; i < voce.size(); i++){
        if(chiave.equals(getNome){ <---- doesn't work, how to ispect getNome?


If I understand it correctly, I think you are trying to see if the input from Scanner is found in the arraylist 'voce'.

You need to iterate through 'voce' until you see 'chiave'.

for(Item item: voce) {
    if(item.getNome().equals(chiave) {
         System.out.println("Found: " + item.getNome());         


You need to call the getNome() method from the Item object, like this:

for(int i = 0; i < voce.size(); i++){
   String nome = voce.get(i).getNome();

You are trying to use - getNome() method from item class without making an object of this class. Thus it is not even compiling.

Change your last loop to following -

for(int i = 0; i < voce.size(); i++){
                if(chiave.equals(voce.get(i).getNome())){ //<---- doesn't work, how to ispect getNome?

Hope that helps.

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