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Pre-made instances of a class

I have class like this:

class result{
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;

a,b,c can be filled with any integer. However, there is some famous cases which I will use them too much like for example the zero case where (a=b=c=0) or the identity case where (a=b=c=1) and some others.

So I want an easy way to get this instances when I want one of them without creating new object and filling it manually (the real case contains much more complex that 3 integers).

What I am doing currently is like this:

class result{
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;
    static result get_zero(){
         return result{0,0,0};
    static result get_idenity(){
         return result{1,1,1};

and in main:

auto id=result::get_identity();

Is this a good way to achieve what I want? Is there like an idiomatic way for doing this?

If the objects can be modified after you return them, then yes, this is the correct way, since you cannot share a single object.

NRVO ( http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/copy_elision ) and move-semantics remove any cost associated with returning the object by value.

If you know these objects will never be changed, you can return a result const & instead and have the object itself be a static member of your class. At that point, you don't even technically need the getter/setter, since the static members are public and already marked as const.

class result{
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;
    static result const zero_result{0,0,0};
    static result const & get_zero(){
         return result::zero_result;
    static result const identity_result{1,1,1};
    static result const & get_idenity(){
         return result::identity_result;

don't forget to allocate the memory for your static data members in a .cpp file, though:

result const result::zero_result;
result const result::identity_result;

Conventionally we would probably just create a static instance that you can re-use, copy from etc.

// someFile.h
extern const result ZERO, ID;

// someFile.cpp
const result ZERO{0, 0, 0};
const result ID{1,1,1};

Alternatively, have your class own these instances as static members and have your functions return a reference.

To be honest, though, your current approach seems perfectly performant and may be the most easy-to-use.

Your proposal solution it's strongly compiler optimization efficiency. Actually when result::get_identity(); is called a new result object is created and returned.

This will invoke the initialization constructor and, in the best case, the move constructor then.

Probably your compiler will optimize that with RVO .

One good approach it may be to create const static objects from your code can refer to.

For example in your class:

class Result {
  // something
    static const Result Zero;
    static const Result Identity;

// ... and then you can refer to it

In that way you can refer to object which will be created only once, when your program starts and avoid instantiating always a new notorious object.

you could make a static class of your result and use that. i did this for a product i made in c# and it worked perfectly

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