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I keep getting an attribute error 'int' object has no attribute 'dollars'

Im working on this Money class and everything worked fine up until the multiplication. I keep getting an attribute error and can't figure out where I'm going wrong. The multiplication is of type float.

class Money:
    def __init__(self, d, c):
        self.dollars = d
        self.cents = c

    def __str__(self):
        return '${}.{:02d}'.format(self.dollars, self.cents)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Money({},{})'.format(repr(self.dollars), self.cents)

    def add(self, other):
        d = self.dollars + other.dollars
        c = self.cents + other.cents
        while c > 99:
            d += 1
            c -= 100
        return Money(d,c)

    def subtract(self, other):
        d = self.dollars - other.dollars
        c = self.cents - other.cents
        while c < 0:
            d -= 1
            c += 100
        return Money(d,c)

    def times(self, mult):
        d = self.dollars * mult.dollars
        c = self.cents * mult.cents
        while c > 99:
            d *= 1
            c *= 100
        return Money(d,c)

>>> m2 = Money(10,10)
>>> m2.times(3)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#51>", line 1, in <module> m2.times(3) 
  File "/Users/kylerbolden/Desktop/hw2.py", line 67, in times
    d = float(self.dollars) * float(mult.dollars)
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'dollars'

In m2.times(3) , you're passing the int 3 to the times method. In the times method, though, you're trying to multiply by mult.dollars , and not the dollars ( 3 ) that you actually passed.

mult.dollars doesn't work like self.dollars would. In fact, it's not a valid construct at all.


>>> class Money:
...     def __init__(self, d, c):
...         self.dollars = d
...         self.cents = c
...     def times(self, mult):
...         d = self.dollars * mult
...         c = self.cents * mult
...         while c > 99:
...             d *= 1
...             c *= 100
...         return Money(d, c)

You'll obviously have to modify the rest of your code, as well.

It seems you want to return a new Money object instead of a balance with each of these methods, but to demonstrate the point I made above:

>>> class Money:
...     def __init__(self, d, c):
...         self.dollars = d
...         self.cents = c
...     def times(self, mult):
...         d = self.dollars * mult
...         c = self.cents * mult
...         while c > 99:
...             d *= 1
...             c *= 100
...         return (d,c)
>>> m2 = Money(10, 10)
>>> m2.times(3)
(30, 30)

Edit: Okay, the above doesn't seem to be what you're looking for, but I'll leave it for people running into a similar error. What you need to fix in your code is the mult object that you're trying to pass. Your add and subtract methods all have the same parameters: self and other , where other is another instance of the Money class, I presume. So, you're trying to multiply, add, or subtract different balances, basically? In that case, change the mult.dollars and mult.cents to other.dollars and other.cents so that you can access those attributes for another Money object.

After changing that:

>>> class Money:
...     def __init__(self, d, c):
...         self.dollars = d
...         self.cents = c
...     def times(self, other):
...         d = self.dollars * other.dollars
...         c = self.cents * other.cents
...         while c > 99:
...             d *= 1
...             c *= 100
...         return Money(d,c)
>>> m2 = Money(2, 3)
>>> m3 = Money(4, 5)
>>> m2.times(m3)

Also, you might want to look into the d *= 1 and c *= 100 lines, but that should answer your initial question.

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