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Porting a MATLAB code to Python


I am required to port a MATLAB code into python. Unfortunately, despite lot os sleepless nights of debugging and googling, I cannot get my code to run. Here is the MATLAB code in question:

serie =0:50;
serie = serie - mean(serie);
y = cumsum(serie);
L = length(y);
%Calculate the detrended fluctuation short term coefficient
npuntos = 10;
for n1=4:16
seg =(1:n1:L);
yn = zeros(1,L);
    for k = 1:length(seg)-1
        yaux = y(seg(k):seg(k+1)-1);
        x = 1:length(yaux);
        A=[sum(x.^2),sum(x); sum(x),length(x)];
        a=v(1); b=v(2);
        ytrend = pen*x + ord;
        yn(seg(k):seg(k+1)-1) = ytrend';
f1(n1) = sqrt((1/seg(end)).*sum((y(1:seg(end)-1)-yn(1:seg(end)-1)).^2));
p1 = polyfit(log10(n1(1:end-2)),log10(f1(1:end-2)),1);
alpha1 = p1(1);

My attempt to translate the code into python goes as follows:

 import numpy as np data = np.arange(start=0, stop=51, step=1) data = data.transpose() data = data - np.mean(data) y = np.cumsum(data) L = len(y) # Estimate the value of alpha1 npuntos = 12 f1 = [0] * npuntos for i, n1 in enumerate(np.arange(start=4, stop=16, step=1)): seg = np.arange(start=0, stop=L, step=n1) # Potential error yn = [0] * L for k in np.arange(start=0, stop=len(seg)-1, step=1): # Potential Error yaux = y[seg[k]:seg[k + 1]-1] # Potential Error x = np.arange(start=1, stop=len(yaux) + 1, step=1) A = [[sum(x ** 2), sum(x)], [sum(x), len(x)]] C = [[sum(x * yaux)], [sum(yaux)]] v = (np.linalg.inv(A)).dot(C) pen = v[0] ord = v[1] ytrend = pen * x + ord yn[seg[k]: seg[k + 1] - 1] = ytrend f1[i] = np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2)) n1 =np.arange(start=4, stop=16, step=1) f1 = f1[4:] xx =np.log10(n1[1: - 2]) yy=np.log10(f1[1: - 2]) print(len(xx)) print(len(yy)) p1 = np.polyfit(xx, yy, 1) alpha1 = p1[1] print(alpha1) 

Unfortunately, I get TypeError when the program is executing this line

p1 = np.polyfit(xx, yy, 1)

This is indeed expected as xx is of length 9 while xx is just 5. By using try/catch block as suggested in the comment,

    f1[n1] = np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2))
except IndexError:
    f1.append(np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2)))

the error is fixed by the output is completely wrong.

I have gone through the debugger but I cannot quite how the error. Can someone please help? PS -The above snippet is supposed to calculate the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) if anyone is interested.

Thats because you have npuntos = 10 so that f1 = [0] * npuntos makes your f1 list 's size equal 10 . And then you iterate over

for n1 in np.arange(start=4, stop=16, step=1):

And accessing f1[n1] which from 10 to 15 will give you an IndexError


First of all you can use np.zeros((5,), dtype=np.int) since you already using np module.

Secondly to figure out the thing with IndexError . Personally i don't want to fall into mathematical problem that you are solving, so the solution won't be the best. Just a slight change. I believe that you know that Python indexing is zero based. Since that you will start populating your at 5th element. I'm not sure that you want it. You can do enumerate(np.arange(start=4, stop=16, step=1)) to create zero based indexing to your list:

for i, n1 in enumerate(np.arange(start=4, stop=16, step=1)):
    f1[i] = np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2))

But len(np.arange(start=4, stop=16, step=1)) is 12 not the size you creating your f1 ( 10 ). So from that point you can create 12 element list.

npuntos = 12
f1 = [0] * npuntos  # or np.zeros((5,), dtype=np.int)

Or you can do append ing values as it done in MATLAB(as @nekomatic noted) if it's required.

So you need to wrap

f1[n1] = np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2))

in try / except :

    f1[n1] = np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2))
except IndexError:
    f1.append(np.sqrt((1 / seg[-1]) * sum((y[1:seg[-1] - 1] - yn[1:seg[-1] - 1]) ** 2)))

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