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Comparing String to int JAVA

I am trying to figure out how to make sure a String variable does not have a number as a string. I cannot Import anything.

I have tried

NameArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("")) || Integer.parseInt(NameArray[i]) >= 48 && Integer.parseInt(NameArray[i]) < 58

but it did not work.

You can try converting string to number using Integer.parseInt(string). If it gives an Exception than it is not a number.

public boolean validNumber(String number) 
   catch (NumberFormatException e) 
     return false;
   return true;

In Java 8+, you might use an IntStream to generate a range ( [48, 58] ) and then check if that as a String is equal to your NameArray . Something like,

if (IntStream.rangeClosed(48, 58).anyMatch(x -> String.valueOf(x)
        .equals(NameArray[i]))) {


You mention that you want to make sure it doesn't contain a value - so perhaps you really want noneMatch like

if (IntStream.rangeClosed(48, 58).noneMatch(x -> String.valueOf(x)
        .equals(NameArray[i]))) {


So, you need to check for a string which doesn't contain any numbers. Try using regex .*[0-9].* which will check for occurrence of any numerical character in your string.

    String regex = ".*[0-9].*";

    // Returns true
    System.out.println("Stack 12 Overflow".matches(regex));

    // Returns false

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