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c++ error: 'std::string' has no member

I am creating a directory program that prompts a user for a file name and reads the file into a string array. I'm have trouble in my SearchFirstName function. I get an error:'std::string' has no member named 'userRecord'. I'm not sure how to fix this because userRecord is declared.


using namespace std;

enum Title {Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, NA};

struct NameType {
   Title title;
   string firstName;
   string lastName;

struct AddressType {
   string street;
   string city;
   string state;
   string zip;

struct PhoneType {
  int areaCode;
  int prefix;
  int number;

struct entryType {
  NameType name;
  AddressType address;
  PhoneType phone;

const int MAX_RECORDS = 50;


// string bookArray[MAX_RECORDS];
entryType bookArray[MAX_RECORDS];   //Solution
int bookCount = 0;

void OpenFile(string& filename, ifstream& inData)
do {
    cout << "Enter file name to open: ";
    cin >> filename;


    if (!inData)
        cout << "File not found!" << endl;

} while (!inData);


    for(int i=0; i<MAX_RECORDS;i++)
        inData>> bookArray[bookCount];

void SearchFirstName(ifstream& inData)
   entryType userRecord; // Declaration of userRecord
   string searchName;

   string normalSearchName, normalFirstName;
   char choice;
   bool found = false;

   cout << "Enter first name to search for: ";
   cin >> searchName;

   for(int i = 0; i < bookCount; ++i){

  normalFirstName = NormalizeString(bookArray[i].userRecord.name.firstName);   
 // Convert retrieved string to all uppercase

    if (normalFirstName == normalSearchName) { // Requested name matches
        cout << "Is this the correct entry? (Y/N)";
        cin >> choice;
        choice = toupper(choice);
        cout << endl;

        if (choice == 'Y') {
            found = true;
// Matching name was found before the end of the file
if (inData && !found){
    cout << "Record found: " << endl;
    cout << endl;
else if (!found)   // End of file. Name not found.
    cout << searchName << " not found!" << endl << endl;

// Clear file fail state and return to beginning
 string bookArray[MAX_RECORDS];

bookArray is of type string.It should be

 entryType bookArray[MAX_RECORDS];


normalFirstName = NormalizeString(bookArray[i].userRecord.name.firstName); 

bookArray[i] cannot have userRecord as a member. userRecord is variable that you have declared. It should be

normalFirstName = NormalizeString(bookArray[i].name.firstName); 

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