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How can I extract images from a Matlab mlarray and display them

In Python, I have an array comes from Matlab function using Matlab engine.

import matlab.engine
import numpy as N
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
a= eng.func()

the console output is :

 <class 'matlab.mlarray.double'>
  (135L, 134L, 7L)

in which there is 7 gray images with size of 135x134. how can I extract each image and show them by loop?

I solved it according to last nice answer in How to efficiently convert Matlab engine arrays to numpy ndarray?

b = N.array(a._data).reshape(a.size, order='F')  

it change 'a' to Numpy. and then I call each image simply.

for i in range(0, 6):
  c = b[:,:,i] #now c is 135x134 

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