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Python Embedded C++

I have read few tutorial on python embedded c++. I had refer back to python object. https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/function.html

Python script:

import picamera 
from pylibdmtx.pylibdmtx import decode 
from time import sleep

import cv2
def test():
    camera = picamera.PiCamera()


    data = decode(cv2.imread('/home/pi/image3.png'))

C++ Script


int main(){
String data2;


***Doing Some Stuff TO GET data from test() function in python script and store in variable data2


I had use PyRun_SimpleString() to do before, it can work. But, it cannot pass the variable to C++. The result I want is it can store the string to the variable at C++. Example after C++ execute the python script, python function return "1234". And "1234" is store at C++ variable (data2)

Please, help me solve this problem. This is my first time python embedding c++, and have some guide please.

Again, if can please provide me solution on

***Doing Some Stuff TO GET data from test() function in python script and store in variable data2

Thanks very much.... Appreciate

If I understand correctly, you want your C++ code to call your Python test() function and get the string result of that function back so the C++ code can do something with it. If so, I think something like this would do the trick for you:

 std::string data;
 char fileName[] = "my_test_python_script.py";
 PyObject * moduleObj = PyImport_ImportModule(filename);
 if (moduleObj)
    char functionName[] = "test";
    PyObject * functionObj = PyObject_GetAttrString(moduleObj, functionName);
    if (functionObj)
       if (PyCallable_Check(functionObj))
          PyObject * argsObject = PyTuple_New(0);
          if (argsObject)
             PyObject * resultObject = PyEval_CallObject(functionObj, argsObject);
             if (resultObject)
                if ((resultObject != Py_None)&&(PyString_Check(resultObject))) 
                    data = PyString_AsString(resultObject);
             else if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Print();

    else PyErr_Clear();


 std::cout << "The Python test function returned: " << data << std::endl;

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