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Query for match all records in list SQL Server

I have a table bawe_services. i want to fetch all data that match with given keys

like i have fields

id  | Service_id |bawe_id
1       2          2
2       3          3
3       2          3

if i pass service =2 i need all record of service_id=2 if i pass service=1,2,3 than i want 0 rows because 1 service is not given by any bawe so. i got 0 rows.

I use this query

select * from aspnet_bawe_services where ser_id in(1,2,3)

Thanx in advance

The count of the parameters in the "in" statement must match the having equal number.

select bawe_id from [dbo].[aspnet_bawe_services]
where Service_id in (2)
group by bawe_id
having count(Service_id)=1;


select bawe_id from [dbo].[aspnet_bawe_services]
where Service_id in (2,3)
group by bawe_id
having count(Service_id)=2;


select bawe_id from [dbo].[aspnet_bawe_services]
where Service_id in (1,2,3)
group by bawe_id
having count(Service_id)=3;


(0 row(s) affected)

TRY THIS : It's really tedious but unique requirement and I think to accomplish this, we have to use function

1-Function returns distinct count of service_id

2-Function to split comma separated value and return in table format

--Function returns distinct count of service_id

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getCount](@service_id varchar(500))
RETURNS INT             
    DECLARE @count int   

    SELECT @count = COUNT(DISTINCT(t.service_id))
    FROM tmptos t
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[SplitValue](@service_id, ',') tt on t.service_id = tt.items

RETURN @count

--Function to split comma separated value and return in table format --Function copied from -- separate comma separated values and store in table in sql server

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitValue](@String varchar(MAX), @Delimiter char(1))       
RETURNS @temptable TABLE (items VARCHAR(MAX))       
    DECLARE @idx int       
    DECLARE @slice varchar(8000)       

    SELECT @idx = 1       
        if len(@String)<1 or @String is null  return       

    WHILE @idx!= 0       
        set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String)       
        IF @idx!=0       
            set @slice = left(@String,@idx - 1)       
            set @slice = @String       

            INSERT INTO @temptable(Items) values(@slice)       

        SET @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @idx)       
        IF LEN(@String) = 0 break       

--Table with Sample Data

create table tmptos(id int, Service_id int, bawe_id int)
insert into tmptos values
(1,       2,          2),
(2,       3,         3),
(3,       2,          3)

declare @service_id varchar(50) = '2,3'

select *
from tmptos t
inner join [dbo].[SplitValue](@service_id, ',') tt on t.Service_id = tt.items
where [dbo].[getCount](@service_id) = (select count(distinct(items)) from [dbo].[SplitValue](@service_id, ','))


id  Service_id  bawe_id items
1   2           2       2
2   3           3       3
3   2           3       2

It's bit lengthy but works perfectly.

select * from aspnet_bawe_services 
where Service_id  in (1,2,3) 
( select count(distinct Service_id) from aspnet_bawe_services where Service_id  in (1,2,3) ) = 3

last number in query (in this case "3") is elements count, which you have in IN list.

You can get the service ids that you want using group by and having :

select service_id
from t
where bawe_id in (1, 2, 3)
group by service_id
having count(distinct bawe_id) = 3;

The "= 3" is the number of ids in the IN list.

You can then use in or join or exists to get the full records:

select t.*
from t
where t.service_id in (select service_id
                       from t
                       where bawe_id in (1, 2, 3)
                       group by service_id
                       having count(distinct bawe_id) = 3

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