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Regular expression to validate windows and linux path with extension

I am trying to write a function which will validate weather the given path is valid in Linux/Windows with file extension.


Windows path: D:\\DATA\\My_Project\\01_07_03_061418738709443.doc
Linux path: /source_data/files/08_05_09_1418738709443.pdf

The code that I have tried is

static String REMOTE_LOCATION_WIN_PATTERN = "([a-zA-Z]:)?(\\\\[a-z  A-Z0-9_.-]+)+.(txt|gif|jpg|png|jpeg|pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|DMS)\\\\?";

static String REMOTE_LOCATION_LINUX_PATTERN = "^(/[^/]*)+.(txt|gif|jpg|png|jpeg|pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|DMS)/?$";

public boolean checkPathValidity(String filePath) {

   Pattern linux_pattern = Pattern.compile(REMOTE_LOCATION_LINUX_PATTERN);
   Pattern win_pattern = Pattern.compile(REMOTE_LOCATION_WIN_PATTERN);
   Matcher m1 = linux_pattern.matcher(filePath);
   Matcher m2 = win_pattern.matcher(filePath);

   if (m1.matches() || m2.matches()) {
      return true;
   } else {
      return false;

This function gives result true if path is valid in either windows/linux. The above function is not returning right result for some of the paths that contain dates, _ ? , * in their path.

static String REMOTE_LOCATION_WIN_PATTERN = "([a-zA-Z]:)?(\\\\[a-z  A-Z0-9_.-]+)+.(txt|gif|jpg|png|jpeg|pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|DMS)\\\\?";

static String REMOTE_LOCATION_LINUX_PATTERN = "^(/[^/]*)+.(txt|gif|jpg|png|jpeg|pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|DMS)/?$";

static Pattern linux_pattern = Pattern.compile(REMOTE_LOCATION_LINUX_PATTERN);
static Pattern win_pattern = Pattern.compile(REMOTE_LOCATION_WIN_PATTERN);

static final boolean WINDOWS = System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows");

public boolean checkPathValidity(String filePath) {
   Matcher m = WINDOWS ? win_pattern.matcher(filePath) : linux_pattern.matcher(filePath);

   return m.matches();    

You can basically combine the two patterns as follows:

  1. windows: [a-zA-Z]:\\\\(?:([^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*]*[^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*.]\\\\|..\\\\)*([^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*]*[^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*.]\\\\?|..\\\\))?
  2. linux: \\/.*
  3. total: (\\/.*|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\(?:([^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*]*[^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*.]\\\\|..\\\\)*([^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*]*[^<>:"\\/\\\\|?*.]\\\\?|..\\\\))?)

This works fine on my angular input tag pattern validation.

Check the ling for more details How would I match a pattern for both windows and Linux directory path?

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