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Compile a Python project Windows

I have the following directory structure to my python project:


The directories: model, exception, controller and view each one has its __init__.py . When I run the program at my machine I always use this following command: py -m eplusplus . But when I tried to use py2exe or pytinstaller the the points to: permission denied . For what I found, this is because its a directory I trying to compile, but when I compiled the __main__.py it compiled normally, but when I try to execute it says: Error! No eplusplus module founded! Error! No eplusplus module founded!

I have no setup.py file and I don't know how they worked.

After some very intensive research and error and try I succeeded by doing this:

  • I added an empty __init__.py at the eplusplus folder

  • Out of the eplusplus folder, I had to write a compilation.py file (the file doesn't necessary must have this) to include all libraries I was using (I will post the file at the end of this answer)

  • Finally, at the PowerShell, all I have to type was py compilation.py py2exe

Thanks for all that tried to help me!

compilation.py file:

#To compile we need to run: python compilation.py py2exe
from distutils.core import setup
from glob import glob
import os
import py2exe
import pyDOE


includes = [

platforms = ["C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PyQt5\\plugins" +

dll = ["C:\\windows\\syswow64\\MSVCP100.dll",

media = ["C:\\Users\\GUSTAVO\\EPlusPlus\\media\\title.png",

documents = ["C:\\Users\\GUSTAVO\\EPlusPlus\\docs\\"+

examples = ["C:\\Users\\GUSTAVO\\EPlusPlus\\files\\"+

datafiles = [("platforms", platforms),
         ("", dll),
         ("media", media),
         ("docs", documents),
         ("Examples", examples)]

imageformats = glob("C:\\Python34\\Lib\\site-packages\\PyQt5\\"+

datafiles.append(("imageformats", imageformats))

    windows=[{"script": "eplusplus/__main__.py"}],
    data_files = datafiles,
        "py2exe": {
            "includes": includes,

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