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Accessing crateDB via Apache Drill

I need to access data in my crate database via Apache Drill. Far as i have read, crate has a PostgreSQL interface , but that is not compatible with the PostgreSQL interface exposed by drill. There isn't much information on this available on the internet. One way to go about it is implementing a custom storage plugin. But did not find helpful information about that either. i went through this , but not to much avail. Any insights, references, links, information is appreciated.

Another way i tried connecting to crate via apache drill was using the storage configuration:

type: "jdbc",
enabled: true,
driver: "io.crate.client.jdbc.CrateDriver",

and jars: crate-jdbc-1.9.1.jar and crate-jdbc-standalone-2.2.0.jar

This did not work for me either.

I could successfully connect to crate via Apache Drill using the following configuration:

1. Storage configuration to connect to crate via Apache Drill (embedded mode):

"type": "jdbc",
"driver": "io.crate.client.jdbc.CrateDriver",
"url": "jdbc:crate://localhost:5432/",
"username": "crate",
"password": null,
"enabled": true

  1. Use the jar crate-jdbc-standalone-2.2.0.
    Add it in drill-installation-dir/jars/3rdparty
    In drill-installation-dir/conf/drill-override.conf add line

    drill.exec.sys.store.provider.local.path = "crate-jdbc-standalone-2.2.0.jar"

Query Sample:

select * from cratestorageplugin.doc.test

cratestorageplugin: storage plugin created for crate
doc: schema name
test: table name

Kudos and big big thanks to crate team for all their help and prompt support!

Note: This method can prove useful, if your tables do not have dynamic data type. We can only query tables with simple data types with this connection.

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