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hive sql select from table with prioritized condition

I want to select name and nametype from a table called names , but prioritized on the nametype .

table names

name        nametype    address    id
simon           01       xx         1
simon           02       xx         2 
simon           03       xx         3 
karen           01       xx         4
william         03       xx         5 
william         01       xx         6
william         02       xx         7

I want to write a query that selects the name with either nametype = 01 or 02 or 03, in that sort order. I only want the row with nametype = 01, the other 2 rows should not be selected.

How can I achieve this in sql, I need to find out how to mark a name already selected.

If you only want rows with 01 , then use where :

select t.*
from t
where t.nametype = '01';

If you want rows with the minimum value of nametype (which seems to be the intention of your question), then use window functions and where . One method uses min() :

select t.*
from (select t.*, min(t.nametype) over (partition by name) as min_nametype
      from t
     ) t
where nametype = min_nametype;

Managed to figure it out my self using coalesce


if nametypes = OECD207
     select row
 elseif nametypes = OECD203
     select row
 elseif nametypes =OECD204
     select row
end if

OECD207 OECD203 OECD204 ... being the prioritized list

, coalesce(OECD207, OECD203, OECD204, ...) as nametype 
, max(case when nametype = "OECD207" then nametype else null end) as OECD207
, max(case when nametype = "OECD203" then nametype else null end) as OECD203
, max(case when nametype = "OECD204" then nametype else null end) as OECD204
from ...
group by

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