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How to use bash variable with double and single quotes

i am writing personal parser for json on bash. So, i need to make grep of line. For example, part of my json-file.

    "host": "",
    "hhost": "",

Of course, after trying cat json.txt | grep host cat json.txt | grep host , i received:

"host": "",
"hhost": "",

I found, how to find only host without hhost . I used

cat json.txt | grep '"host"'

Everything is good

"host": "",

But i want to use it in bash script:


#in a future, i want to read variable var from reading from console 
echo $search

In a result, i have:


What i did wrong ? Can you advice me please ?

You could use jq , to parse the JSON file for this you will need first a proper valid json

  "host": "",
  "hhost": ""

Then you could just do something like:


HOST=$(jq '.host' data.json)
echo $HOST

if you put a variable inside single quotes in bash, I does not get evaluated, you should just use:


if you want the variable to be enclosed by quotes, just escape them like this:


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