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Parse a substring in Python using regular expression

I am trying to parse a substring using re.

From the string present in variable s ,I would like to split the string present till the first ! (the string stored in s has two ! ) and store it as a substring.From this substring(stored in variable result ), I wish to parse another substring.

Here is the code,

import re


result = re.search('%s(.*)%s' % ('ec', '!'), s).group(1)
print result
ecNumber = re.search('%s(.*)%s' % ('Number*', '#kmValue*'), result).group(1)
print Data

The value corresponding to each tag present in the substring(example:ecNumber) is stored in between * and # (example: * attempted to parse the value stored for the tag ecNumber in the first substring. The output I obtain is

{'ecNumber': '**0.57#kmValueMaximum*1.25#!ecNumber**0.081'}

The desired output is

result= 'ecNumber**0.57#kmValueMaximum*1.25#'
{'ecNumber': ''}

I would like to store each tag and its corresponding value.For example,

{'ecNumber': '','kmValue':'0.021','kmValueMaximum':'1.25'}

You can try this:

import re
new_data = re.findall('(?<=^)[a-zA-Z]+(?=\*)|(?<=#)[a-zA-Z]+(?=\*)|(?<=\*)[-\d\.]+(?=#)', s)
final_data = dict([new_data[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(new_data)-1, 2)])


{'kmValue': '0.57', 'kmValueMaximum': '1.25', 'ecNumber': ''}

Despite you are asking a solution with regular expression, I would say it's much easier to use direct string operations for this problem, since the source string is well formatted.

For infomation before the first i :

print dict([i.split('*') for i in s.split('!', 1)[0].split('#') if i])

For all information in s :

print [dict([i.split('*') for i in j.split('#') if i]) for j in s.split('!') if j] 

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