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How to get actual path from string in c#

Hi am facing issue to pass path in File.Copy() method. Here I have created a string dest. While I am passing it in File.copy(), it is taking "\\" double slash. Because of this, I am getting error of illegal character. Please look into it.

string dest = (@"\" + Environment.MachineName +@"\"+ Path.Replace(@"\\",@"\")).Replace(":", "$");  //the value get -"pt-LTP-109\\C$\\Temp\\\\fileFolder"
dest = dest.Replace("\\\\", @"\") +"\\"+ "filename.txt"; // the value get -"\\pt-LTP-109\\C$\\Temp\\\\fileFolder\\filename.txt"                             
dest = ("\"").ToString()+dest+"\""; //the value get- "\"\\pt-LTP-109\\C$\\Temp\\\\fileFolder\\filename.txt\""
    File.Copy(source, dest, true);`

That is a very complicated way of doing something so simple... To convert a normal path into a UNC path you only need to do two things:

  1. Replace : with $ (which you are doing correctly).

  2. Prepend the path with two backslashes and the machine name.

Your code can be shortened to this:

string dest = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"\\" + Environment.MachineName, Path.Replace(":", "$"), "filename.txt");



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