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How to get actual value from object of JsonPatchDocument in C#?

I have one payload like below to update via patch call in webAPI.

    "value": [
        "Id": "12",
       "name": "ABC"
        "Id": "89",
       "name": "XYZ"
    "path": "/basepathofemployee",
    "op": "replace"

And my action method of controller is like and there I want to get the value of Id & name

public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateData([FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<EmployeeDocument> patchDoc)
   // here I want to get value of Id (12, 89) & name (ABC, XYZ)

I tried to get the value from the path itself like,

    var employee = patchDoc.Operations.Where(o => o.path.Equals("/basepathofemployee"));

its giving IEnumerable and if I loop through that I am not getting the actual value of id and name.

Can you pls guide me how to get the actual value of id and name?

if it needs patchdocument:

if (patchDoc != null)
        var model = CreateModel(); //need to create instance

        patchDoc.ApplyTo(model, ModelState);

        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return BadRequest(ModelState);
          // model should have valid properties here

        return new ObjectResult(model);
        return BadRequest(ModelState);

should also have this decorator on the action:


if can do without patchdocument:

just create a class:

public class Patch{

 public List<Data> value {get;set;}
 public string path {get;set;}
 public string op {get;set;}

and another Data

public class data{

 public int Id {get;set;}
 public string name {get;set;}

then change signature to:

public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateData([FromBody] Patch patchDoc)
   // here I want to get value of Id (12, 89) & name (ABC, XYZ)
   // should be available patchDoc.value[0].Id / patchDoc.value[1].Id


might need:

public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateData([FromBody] List<Patch> patchDoc)
   // here I want to get value of Id (12, 89) & name (ABC, XYZ)
   // should be available patchDoc[0].value[0].Id / patchDoc[0].value[1].Id


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