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Convert String to Dict in Python

I am trying to convert the below type of string into Dictionary in Python.


I would like to make the dictionary like:

    'F1': 'Value1', 
    'F2': 'Value2',
    'F3': '[[F4=Value4,F5=Value5]]',
    'F6': 'Value6'

If you will continue to use the identical string format, you may use a complex regular expression to cover various patterns.

The following is a regular expression for a few patterns I have anticipated. Let me know if this solves your issue. If not, please provide details on where my solution fails:

Edit for explaining

  1. Group one (?=F\\d+=\\[).*?(\\]){2,}(?=|,)
    • (?=F\\d+=\\[) match string begin with F, have one or more numbers, and have =[ after them
    • .*?(\\]){2,} match string as less as it can, and it have 2 or more ] at the end
    • (?=|,) the string end , or nothing
  2. Group two F\\d.[^,]+
    • after matching group one, it is easy to find the string like F6=Value6 . because the first group takes precedence over the second group, so the second group can only match the remaining strings.


string = "F1=Value1,F2=Value2,F3=[[F4=Value4,F5=Value5]],F6=Value6,F7=[[[BC],[AC]]]"
import re
resultset = [ele[0] if ele[0] else ele[-1] for ele in re.findall(r"((?=F\d+=\[).*?(\]){2,}(?=|,))|(F\d.[^,]+)",string)]
print({x[:x.find("=")]:x[x.find("=")+1:] for x in resultset})


{'F6': 'Value6', 'F2': 'Value2', 'F3': '[[F4=Value4,F5=Value5]]', 'F1': 'Value1', 'F7': '[[[BC],[AC]]]'}

Edit: because the former regex does not work when string is F1=Value1,F2=Value2,F8=[iD=10,ig=12S],F3=[[F4=Value4,F5=Value5]],F6=Value6,F9=[iD=10,ig=12S],F7=[[[BC],[AC]]]

I changed regex to ((?=F\\d+=\\[).*?(\\])+(?= |,F))|(F\\d.[^,]+) . And we need one trick. add one blankspace after string .

string = "F1=Value1,F2=Value2,F8=[iD=10,ig=12S],F3=[[F4=Value4,F5=Value5]],F6=Value6,F9=[iD=10,ig=12S],F7=[[[BC],[AC]]]"
import re
resultset = [ele[0] if ele[0] else ele[-1] for ele in re.findall(r"((?=F\d+=\[).*?(\])+(?= |,F))|(F\d.[^,]+)",string+" ")]
print({x[:x.find("=")]:x[x.find("=")+1:] for x in resultset})

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