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How to remove “id” from json string in ruby on rails?

I have got data without "id" field from database. But when I parse the data to json string and show it on screen, I saw an "id" field on json string. How to remove this "id" field?

Here is my code:


def fetch_data ()
@datalist = @datalist.joins("INNER JOIN `works` ON `work_early_over_times`.`work_id` = `works`.`id`")
  @datalist = @datalist.select('`work_early_over_times`.work_id AS 1次協力会社名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_person AS 職種名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_hour AS 作業場所','`work_early_over_times`.at_time_overtime_start AS 作業内容','`works`.`contents`')
@datalist = @datalist.where(work_id: $work_id)
return @datalist

- report_controller.rb

def work_late
report_logic = ReportLogic.new(params)
@work_late = report_logic.fetch_data()
render action: :work_late

- work_late.json.jbuilder

json.一覧 @work_late

When I show the string I expected the output is:

    "作業場所":"0.00 ",

but the actual output is:

    "作業場所":"0.00 ",

If id is always null then just ignore all nils:

json.一覧 @work_late

If that's not the case then you have to filter out the id before serializing it. One way would be:

json.一覧 @work_late.serializable_hash.except("id")

As your desired output is a JSON , you could try .as_json by excepting the id field as follows:

@datalist.select('`work_early_over_times`.work_id AS 1次協力会社名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_person AS 職種名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_hour AS 作業場所','`work_early_over_times`.at_time_overtime_start AS 作業内容','`works`.`contents`').as_json(:except => :id)

Your detailed fetch_data function will be like this:

def fetch_data ()
    @datalist = @datalist.joins("INNER JOIN `works` ON `work_early_over_times`.`work_id` = `works`.`id`")
      @datalist = @datalist.select('`work_early_over_times`.work_id AS 1次協力会社名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_person AS 職種名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_hour AS 作業場所','`work_early_over_times`.at_time_overtime_start AS 作業内容','`works`.`contents`').as_json(:except => :id)
    @datalist = @datalist.where(work_id: $work_id)
    return @datalist

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