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Python : Using dot to make each sentence a new line in the presence of decimal points

I want to have each sentence in a new line. A sentence ends by a . . I tried the following code:

import re 
text='This text has (15.16 +/- 1.01). And it also has 20.1 km(3) during 4/2002- 
and 1/2018'
text=re.sub('\.', '\n',text)

When I try to make each sentence a new line by replacing . with \\n I get four lines instead of two because of the decimal points. I do not need to keep the numbers. I just want to get the alphabetic characters and clean everything else

This text has
And it also has during and

And solution?

>>> import re

>>> text='This text has 15.16. And it also has 64.6190. twent one guns. hi. 16. 40.5'

>>> print(re.sub('[\d]*\.(?:[\d]*[\.]*[\ ]*)*', '\n',text))

This text has 
And it also has 
twent one guns

Edit: Do you want to eliminate +/- ?

>>> text = 'This text has 15.16 +/- 1.01. And it also has 64.6190. hi. the tommy is bad. + one-two is negative one.'

>>> print(re.sub('[\d]*\.(?:[\d]*[\.]*[\ ]*)*|[\ ]*[+\-\/]+[\ ]*', '\n',text))

This text has 

And it also has 
the tommy is bad

two is negative one

Edit: this one is even simpler

text=re.sub(r'(\d*\.)+', r'\n',text)

you can adjust regex pattern as you wish, simply:

import re 
text='This text has 15.16. And it also has 64.6190.'
text=re.sub(r'\d*\.\d*\.', r'\n',text)



This text has 
 And it also has 

Explanation: look for any number of digits followed by dot, then again any number of digits followed by dot and replace it with new line

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