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ArangoDB - Backup and restore all data

My aim is to create the arango database dump (with all the users and passwords, permissions, databases, collections, roles and so on) and then make a full restore of this data on the other arango server (that was installed from scratch and empty).

I am using the one-node configuration, arangodb version is 3.4.4 [linux] .

On origin I make a dump of every database:

for db in $(arangosh --server.username "$USER" --server.password "$PASSWORD" --javascript.execute-string "db._databases().forEach(function(db) { print(db); });")
  arangodump --output-directory /tmp/dump/"$db" --overwrite true --server.username "$USER" --server.password "$PASSWORD" --include-system-collections --server.database "$db"

Then I move the created folders to the empty arangodb server on this server go with:

arangorestore --input-directory "/tmp/dump/_system/"
arangorestore --input-directory "/tmp/dump/collection/"
arangorestore --input-directory "/tmp/dump/collection2/"
...one by one 

The result if very far my expectations, I just get the collections in _system database for the root user (no other users, no databases).

What am I doing wrong? How can I make the full backup and restore?

Thanks in advance.

arangorestore needs to be told to which database to restore the data to. This can be achieved by providing the --server.database option in the same way as it can be done for arangodump . If no value is provided for --server.database it will default to _system , meaning the subsequent invocations of arangorestore will each overwrite the previous data in the _system database.

If the target databases do not exist yet on the backup server, it is possible to create them on the fly using the option --create-database true . Additionally, to restore system collections, arangorestore needs to be given the option --include-system-collections true .

That means, if your databases are really named "collection" and "collection2", your restore commands should look as follows:

arangorestore --input-directory "/tmp/dump/_system/" --server.database "_system" --include-system-collections true --create-database true
arangorestore --input-directory "/tmp/dump/collection/" --server.database "collection" --include-system-collections true --create-database true
arangorestore --input-directory "/tmp/dump/collection2/" --server.database "collection2" --include-system-collections true --create-database true

Please also note that with ArangoDB 3.5 there is an option --all-databases for both arangodump and arangorestore, which should greatly simplify the backup and restore process.

To take dump from remote server or local server execute the command

arangodump --server.endpoint tcp://ip_address:8529 --server.username test --server.password test --server.database dev --output-directory "dump" 

To restore from dump execute the below command

arangorestore --server.endpoint tcp://ip_address:8529 --server.username test --server.password test --server.database dev --input-directory "dump"

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