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Extracting numerical value with special characters from a string but removing other occurrences of those characters

I am using Python and pandas and have a DataFrame column that contains a string. I want to keep the float number within the string and get rid of '- .' at the end of the float (string).

So far I have been using a regular expression below to get rid of characters and brackets from the original string but it leaves '-' and '.' from the non-numeric part of the string in place.

Example input string : 14,513.045Non-compliant with installation req.

When I try to modify it this is what I get: 14,513.045- . (example of positive number string)

I also want to be able to parse negative numbers, such as: -234.670

The first - in the string is for negative float number. I would like to keep the first - and first . but get rid of the subsequent ones - the ones which do not belong to the number.

This is the code that I tried to use to achieve that:

dataframe3['single_chainage2'] = dataframe3['single_chainage'].str.replace(r"[a-zA-Z*()]",'')

But it leaves me with 14,513.045- .

I saw no way of doing the above using pandas alone and saw that regex was the recommended way.

You dont't need to replace , I think you can use Series.str.extract instead to get the string you need.

In [1]: import pandas as pd                                                                                                                                     

In [2]: ser = pd.Series(["14,513.045Non-compliant with installation req.", "14,513.045- .", "-234.670"])                                                        

In [3]: pat = r'^(?P<num>-?(\d+,)*\d+(\.\d+)?)'

In [5]: ser.str.extract(pat)['num']                                                                                                                             
0    14,513.045
1    14,513.045
2      -234.670
Name: num, dtype: object

and a named group is needed in the regex pattern ( num in this example) .

and if need to convert it to numeric dtype:

In [7]: ser.str.extract(pat)['num'].str.replace(',', '').astype(float)                                                                                          
0    14513.045
1    14513.045
2     -234.670
Name: num, dtype: float64

Rather than removing the characters that you don't want, just specify a pattern that you want to find and extract it. It should be much less error prone. You want to extract a positive and negative number that can be floating point:

import re
number_match = re.search("[+-]?(\d+,?)*(\.\d+)?", 'Your string.')
number = number_match.group(0)

Testing the code above:

test_string_positive='14,513.045Non-compliant with installation req.'
test_string_negative='-234.670Non-compliant with installation req.'

In [1]: test=re.search("[+-]?(\d+,?)*(\.\d+)?",test_string_positive)

In [2]: test.group(0)
Out[2]: '14,513.045'

In [3]: test=re.search("[+-]?(\d+,?)*(\.\d+)?",test_string_negative)

In [4]: test.group(0)
Out[4]: '-234.670'

With this solution you don't want to do replace but rather just assign the value of the regex match.

number_match = re.search("[+-]?(\d+,?)*(\.\d+)?", <YOUR_STRING>)
number = number_match.group(0)
dataframe3['single_chainage2'] = number

I split that into 3 lines to show you how it logically follows. Hopefully, that makes sense.

You should substitute the value of <YOUR_STRING> with a string representation of data. As for how to get a string value out of a Pandas DataFrame, this question might have some answers to that. I'm not sure about how your DataFrame actually looks but I guess something like df['single_chainage'][0] should work. Basically if you index in Pandas, it returns some Pandas specific info and if you want to retrieve just the string itself you have to specify that explicitly.

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