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Ruby : Wrap Double Quotes With Single Quotes

I've searched everywhere in SO and no lucks. Basically, i have this kind of array :

["a", "b", "c"]

I need to wrap this double quotes with single quotes to be like this :

['"a"', '"b"', '"c"']

The main reason for why i need to wrap this array element is because i need to query jsonb object in my database (PostgreSQL). The sample of query is like this :

data -> '#{af.column}' @> any(array#{@arr}::jsonb[])

To query jsonb object i need to put single quotes for each element.


Why i need to do this ? Its because, i need to combine multiple query into an array. Below is my example codes :

    @conditions = args[:conditions] unless !args[:conditions].present?
    @tables = ["assigned_contact"]
    @query = self.joins({:assigned_contact => :call_campaign_answers})
      .where(@conditions.join(" AND "))
      .where("(data->>'age')::int between ? and ?", args[:min_age].to_i, args[:max_age].to_i)
      .where("data -> 'gender' @> any(array[?]::jsonb[])", args[:gender].map(&:to_json))
      .where("call_campaign_answers.answer IN (?)", args[:answers]).size

Where args[:conditions] are my query that i need to do wrape double quotes in single quotes.

If theres any other simple / method available, please let me know.

The problem I see is you're not returning a single JSON array, but multiple independent arrays which could be a syntax error. Use a singular JSON value:

.where("data -> 'gender' @> any(array[?]::jsonb[])", args[:gender].to_json)


ary = %w[a b c]
#=> ["a", "b", "c"]


new_ary = ary.map {|el| %Q["#{el}"] }

produces exactly your desired output:

new_ary == ['"a"', '"b"', '"c"']
#=> true

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