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How to match a string (?,?,?) in Java

My input string is of the form: String input = "(?,?,?)";

I am not able to come up with a valid regex to identify such strings

I have tried with following regex:

String regex = "(\\?,*)"; 

Assertion fails with the above regex for input strings such as (?,?) or (?,?,?,?)

You could match (? and then repeat 1+ times ,? and match ) .

If a single question mark is also valid, you could change the quantifier from + to *



  • \\(\\? Match (?
  • (?:,\\?)+ Non capturing group, repeat 1+ times ,?
  • \\) Match )

In Java

final String regex = "\\\\(\\\\?(?:,\\\\?)+\\\\)";

Regex demo | Java demo

A general regex pattern would be:


Sample script:

String input = "(?,?,?,?)";
if (input.matches("\\(\\?(?:,\\?)*\\)")) {

Here is an explanation of the regex:

\(        match a literal opening parenthesis
\?        match a single ?
(?:,\?)*  then match ,? zero or more times
\)        then match closing )

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