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Using AttributeConverter converting to UUID results in 'No Dialect mapping for JDBC type' exception

So I have a class, lets say Dog (not an entity) containing only an UUID field. I then have the following AttributeConverter :

public class DogConverter implements AttributeConverter<Dog, UUID> {
    public UUID convertToDatabaseColumn(final Dog attribute) {
        return attribute.getUuid();

    public Dog convertToEntityAttribute(final UUID dbData) {
        return new Dog(dbData);

I then use the Dog as a field in an entity class DogHouse :

class DogHouse {
    @Convert(converter = DogConverter.class)
    private Dog dog;

Then I use liquibase to create a diff changelog against an empty postgresql database which then results in the following exception:

org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 206384196

When I change to DogConverter to convert between a Dog and a String by also mapping the UUID to a string, liquibase works fine and no exception shows up.

Does anyone have any idea why the exception occurs and how to fix it?

I have the same issue with postgis Geometry and concluded that types supported by converter are limited compared to the ones supported by entity fields. In this post https://gitter.im/hibernate/hibernate-orm?at=5ab11305e4d1c636041f1251 if you search for "dialect" you see a similar questions. Answer seems to be it's not possible with Hibernate 5.2. Maybe it will be possible with Hibernate 6.

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