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How to format JSON to display “Class”, “Score” and their values?

I'm using IBM's Watson Visual Recognition API and I'm trying to format the output JSON data to display only the "Class","Score" and both of their values

I've used

print(json.dumps(classes_result, indent=2))

to get the output:

  "images": [
      "classifiers": [
          "classifier_id": "default",
          "name": "default",
          "classes": [
              "class": "honey buzzard",
              "score": 0.639,
              "type_hierarchy": "/animal/bird/bird of prey/hawk/honey buzzard"
              "class": "hawk",
              "score": 0.891
              "class": "bird of prey",
              "score": 0.918

Try this, with nested loops over your dict:

for image in images:
    classifiers = image['classifiers']
    for classifier in classifiers: 
        classes = classifier['classes']
        for _class in classes: 
            class_value = _class['class']
            score_value = _class['score']
            print(class_value, score_value)

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