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VertexArray glVertexAttribPointer GL_INVALID_VALUE 0x0501

Writing an OpenGL program to draw a square on screen, but running into an invalid value error. The error occurs on the call MyGLCall(glVertexAttribPointer(i, . MyGLCall is an abstraction of GLCALL to I can have the error code printed to the console as below.

Not sure value is invalid here. I believe all the data types are correct for glVertexAttribPointer , bu missing something here.

Console output

OpenGL version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 388.13
GL Extension Wrangler version 2.1.0
[!!! OpenGL ERROR!!!] (0x0501)
glVertexAttribPointer(i, element.elements_per_vertex, element.type, element.normalized, layout.get_stride(), (const void*) offset)

Layout and Element Data Types


Source code

// bind vertex buffer and set memory layout
void VertexArray::add_buffer(const VertexBuffer& vb, const VertexBufferLayout& layout) 
    // auto is std::vector<VertexBufferLayoutElement>
    const auto& elements = layout.get_elements();
    unsigned int offset = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) 
        const auto& element = elements[i];      
        // GL_INVALID_VALUE 0x0501
            (const void*) offset)); // heckin, what is this (const void*)???
        offset += element.elements_per_vertex * VertexBufferLayoutElement::get_size_of_type(element.type);

struct for VertexBufferLayoutElement in my VertextBufferLayout Header file

struct VertexBufferLayoutElement
    // nice mem alignment bro, mem size on most machines is
    unsigned int elements_per_vertex;   // 4 bytes
    unsigned int type;                  // 4 bytes
    unsigned char normalized;           // 1 byte
    static unsigned int get_size_of_type(unsigned int type)
        switch (type)
            case GL_FLOAT:          return 4;
            case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:   return 4;
            case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:  return 1;
        return 0;

Error was in this header file above

Did not follow the correct parameter order of the the first c spec parameter list for the arrtrib pointer function . GL_FLOAT and elements_per_vertex were swapped causing the error, the screenshot below is the correct order.


The 2nd parameter of glVertexAttribPointer is the tuple size and has to be 1, 2, 3, 4 or GL_BGRA . The 3rd parameter is the type (eg GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , GL_FLOAT ).

You pass element.elements_per_vertex to the 2nd and element.type to the 3rd parameter which seems to be correct. But the values of the parameters are swapped:

 elements_per_vertex: 5126 type: 3

Note, 5126 is 0x1406 and this is the value of the enumerator constant GL_FLOAT .


elements_per_vertex = 3
type = GL_FLOAT

to solve the issue.

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