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Removing json objects from an array stored in postgresql column

I have an array of json objects, from which I want to removed three specific objects. For example:

[{"id": "aaa"}, {"id": "aab"}, {"id": "aac"}, {"id": "aad"}]

I need to update the table and remove from the array the objects that contain "aaa" , "aab" , and "aac" so that the array would only contain

[{"id": "aad"}]

or whatever other json objects that are stored in the array and don't contain the previous mentioned values stored in "id".

I'm using Postgres, and I know just that I need to use UPDATE, but that's about it (I'm still a beginner).

You need to unnest the array, filter out the unwanted elements and then aggregate back:

update the_table
   set the_column = (select jsonb_agg(j)
                     from jsonb_array_elements(the_table.the_column) as t(j)
                     where j ->> 'id' not in ('aaa','aab','aac'));

Online example: https://rextester.com/HCJK50138

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