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How to get json value from json array column in postgresql

I have a column which its type is character varying.

It contains a json array in it.

Something like below.

{"name":"Peter", "information":{"tel":"120391083", "address":"xxx"}},
{"name":"Jane", "information":{"tel":"12302131093", "address":"ooo"}},
{"name":"Pat", "information":{"tel":"123098", "address":"zzz"}}

How can I get the address value of json object which name is Pat?

I used -> and ->> operator but it showed operator does not exist.

I'm using pdadmin 4 and postgreSQL version is 13.2

I am not sure what the output is exactly you are looking for.

If you want to get the full information part, you can use this:

select jsonb_path_query_first(the_column::jsonb, '$[*] ? (@.name == "Pat").information')
from the_table;

If you only what the value of the address key, you can use:

select jsonb_path_query_first(the_column::jsonb, '$[*] ? (@.name == "Pat").information') ->> 'address'
from the_table;

In any case you should change the column's data type to jsonb in the long run. Don't (mis)use varchar for that.

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