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Query SQL Server JSON columns using SQLAlchemy

I'm looking for a way to replicate the functionality of SQL Server's JSON_VALUE function using a SQLAlchemy query. I'm using metadata.reflect to define my existing db tables in SQLAlchemy.


FROM BankData

SQLAlchemy Model:

db = SQLAlchemy()

class BankData(db.Model):
    __table__ = db.Model.metadata.tables['BankData'] 

Endpoint / Query:

def get_cust_accts():
    custId = request.args.get('custId')

    db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    BankData = models.bank_data.BankData
    BankAccounts = models.bank_accounts.BankAccounts

    qry = db.session.query(BankAccounts.Id, BankAccounts.AccountNumber, BankAccounts.BankName,
                           BankData.AppId, BankData.CustomerId, BankAccounts.Filename, BankData.BankDataJSON) \
                               and_(BankData.Id == BankAccounts.BankDataId, BankData.CustomerId == custId)

    engine = app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']
    df = pd.read_sql(qry.statement, engine)

    df['BankDataJSON'] = df['BankDataJSON'].apply(json.loads) # convert string representation of JSON
    df['BankDataJSON'] = df['BankDataJSON'].map(lambda x:[x[i] for i in x if i=='AccountName'][0])
    df = df.rename(columns={'BankDataJSON':'BusinessName'})

    response = json.loads(df.to_json(orient="records"))


Using this method, I have to manually serialize the JSON object (BankDataJSON) to a Python dict, and parse it to get the value I want ('AccountName'). If I were to use SQL Server's JSON_VALUE function, this is all done for you.

JSON response:

    "Id": 3003,
    "AccountNumber": "111111111",
    "BankName": "Wells Fargo",
    "AppId": 111111,
    "CustomerId": "555555",
    "Filename": "some filename.pdf",
    "BusinessName": "Some BusinessName"
    "Id": 3004,
    "AccountNumber": "22222222",
    "BankName": "Wells Fargo",
    "AppId": 111111,
    "CustomerId": "555555",
    "Filename": "Some filename",
    "BusinessName": "Some Businessname"

How can I go about doing this? I walso want to be able to replicated SQL Server's CROSS APPLY OPENJSON functionality for working with array of JSON objects in the future. Do I need to define the BankDataJSON column as a JSON type in my model? When I do this, I get an error regarding pyodbcs inability to deserialize JSON in the MSSQL dialect

may be you can try to implement the server's function in your query, something like this

from sqlalchemy.sql import func

db = SQLAlchemy(app)
BankData = models.bank_data.BankData

qry = db.session.query(BankData.Id, 

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