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C# split string with multiple separators


string one = @"first%second";
string two = @"first%second%third";
string three = @"first%second%third%fourth";

I need to be able to separate everything that comes after the first '%' delimiter. I'd normally use split function:

string partofstring = one.Split('%').Last();


string partofstring = one.Split('%').[1];

However I need to be able to get:

string oneresult = @"second";
string tworesult = @"second%third";
string threresult = @"second%third%fourth";

string.Split has an overload that allows you to specify the number of splits that you want to get back. Specifying 2 as the number of splits you will get an array with the element at index 0 that you can discard and the element at index 1 that is exactly the output requested

string three = @"first%second%third%fourth";
var result = three.Split(new char[] {'%'}, 2);
Console.WriteLine(result[1]); // ==> second%third%fourth

Try this

string partofstring = one.SubString(one.IndexOf('%'));

String.SubString returns a string starting from the specified position to the end of the string.

String.IndexOf returns the first index of the specified character in the string.

Either use a different overload of string.Split that allows you to specify the maximum number of items:

var newString = myString.Split('%', 2)[1];

Note if you're using .NET Framework, you will need to use a different overload:

var newString = three.Split(new[] { '%'}, 2)[1];

Or, calculate it yourself using IndexOf and Substring :

var newString = myString.Substring(myString.IndexOf('%') + 1);

I've improved the code snippet given by @Preciousbetine

var partofstring = two.IndexOf('%') < 0 ? string.Empty : two.Substring(two.IndexOf('%') + 1);

This will check if the string doesn't contain the key %.

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