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Search sequence pattern in SQL Server

I have records like this and I want to search in SQL Server by pattern and sequence like (50,54,50) in value field it should return 02,03,04 any one have idea to do this.

Id             Date             Value
01             2020-01-01       50
02             2020-01-02       50
03             2020-01-03       54
04             2020-01-04       50
05             2020-01-05       35
06             2020-01-06       98
07             2020-01-07       13

There is a request on the user voice site Add support for Row Pattern Recognition in T-SQL (SQL:2016 features R010 and R020) which I believe would allow for this.

In the meantime this should do what you need

       LAG(Id) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS PrevId, 
       LAG(value) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS PrevValue,
       LEAD(Id) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS NextId, 
       LEAD(value) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS NextValue
FROM YourTable
SELECT PrevId, Id, NextId
WHERE PrevValue = 50 AND Value =54 AND NextValue = 50

If you wanted a more flexible approach, you can use cross apply :

select t2.*
from t cross apply
     (select string_agg(id, ',') within group (order by date) as ids,
             string_agg(value, ',') within group (order by date) as vals
      from (select top (3) t2.*
            from t t2
            where t2.date >= t.date
            order by t2.date
           ) t2
     ) t2
where vals = '50,54,50';

Here is a db<>fiddle.

If string_agg() were supported as a window function, you could use:

select t.*
from (select t.*,
             string_agg(id, ',') within group (order by date) over (order by id rows between current row and 2 following) as ids,
             string_agg(value, ',') within group (order by date) over (order by id rows between current row and 2 following) as vals
      from t
     ) t
where vals = '50,54,50';

But alas, it is not.

If I get your requirement correct, yo can try this below logic developed with the help of LAG and LEAD-


    SELECT Id,Date,
    LAG(value,2) OVER(ORDER BY id) lag_2,
    LAG(value,1) OVER(ORDER BY id) lag_1,
    Value c_val,
    LEAD(value,1) OVER(ORDER BY id) lead_1,
    LEAD(value,2) OVER(ORDER BY id) lead_2
    FROM your_table

    WHEN (lag_2 = 50 AND lag_1 = 54 AND c_val = 50) OR
         (lag_1 = 50 AND c_val = 54 AND lead_1 = 50) OR
         (c_val = 50 AND lead_1 = 54 AND lead_2 = 50)
         THEN (
                 WHEN lead_1 = 54 THEN 02
                 WHEN c_val = 54 THEN 03
                 WHEN lag_1 = 54 THEN 04
    ELSE c_val

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