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How to get a json object as column values using postgresql?

I have a data like below

id | customer  | region   | circle
 1 | airtel    | tn       | c1
 2 | reliance  | ap       | c2

I am expecting the json output like below using PostgreSQL



One option uses a lateral join to generate the rows, and then json function to_jsonb() to turn them to object. The final step is aggregation:

select jsonb_agg(to_jsonb(v)) res
from mytable t
cross join lateral (values
        concat_ws('_', id::text, customer), 
        concat_ws('_', id::text, customer, region), 
        concat_ws('_', id::text, customer), 
        concat_ws('_', id::text, customer, region, circle), 
        concat_ws('_', id::text, customer, region), 
) v(id, parent, text)

Demo on DB Fiddle

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