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Ansible breaks the loop when using include

I am trying to run multiple tasks in a loop, but whenever I get an error inside the loop, ansible exits out of it. I want to be able to run the loop until the end of the list for each item. If something breaks for an item, the loop stops only for this item, not for the rest.

My inventory structure is json, but looks something like this:

      [item1, item2]

My ansible playbook does this:

  - include: multiple_tasks_to_be_run_for_each_item.yml
    with_items: items

The expected result is similar to running:

  - shell: /bin/false
       - "1"
       - "2"
       - "3"

Even if it fails on the first item, it continues to run.

Please try with loop, loop_control and loop_var within Ansible Role, and let me know if it helps.

    - include_tasks: "repeat.yml"
      loop: "{{ list_of_values }}"
        loop_var: var1

repeat.yml ( You can use the var1 inside the repeat.yml)

- name: Repeat Tasks
    - name : task 1

    - name : task 2

Apparently this is the expected behaviour. Answer from github issue here.

This is working as intended. Use block and rescue to control failure.

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