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Read 2D indexes and tuple from Execl sheet

I have tried to define Useduration as the 3D array but I did not know how to define the tuple elements. I have received an error" float of 2 dimensions not supported for sheet". is there a way to read it from excel?

`   {string} sources=...;

 range time=1..Time; 

tuple useduration {
 float frequency;
 float Averageduration;
useduration Useduration[time][sources]=...;


Useduration= [

What you could do is read 2 2D arrays and then build the tuple array:


int Time=...;
int nbsources=...;

{int} sources=asSet(1..nbsources);

 range time=1..Time; 

tuple useduration {
 float frequency;
 float Averageduration;
//useduration Useduration[time][sources]=...;

float fr[time][sources]=...;
float Av[time][sources]=...;

useduration Useduration[t in time][s in sources]=<fr[t][s],Av[t][s]>;



//Useduration= [
//          [<7.2,0.67>,<0.6,5>,<7.2,0.67>,<2,3>,<0.28,1>,<0.31,1>,<0.4,1>],
//          [<7.2,0.67>,<0.6,5>,<7.2,0.67>,<2,3>,<0.28,1>,<0.31,1>,<0.4,1>]];
fr= [
Av= [

The best way is to go through a tuple set. You have an example in this Technote:


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