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How to add escape with in python “”" quote string?

i am trying to integrate my AWS lambda function to query my postgresql.

sql_update_query = """update  "YP_SUPPLIERS" set %s =%s where "YP_SUPPLIERS"."supplierID"= %s"""
    cursor.execute(sql_update_query, (key[0],value[0],supplierID))

Apparently while creating the table "" where used. This is pretty hectic to work around this.


syntax error at or near "'supplierName'"
LINE 1: update  "YP_SUPPLIERS" set 'supplierName'='key' where "YP_SU...

it seems set %s who's value is supplierName should be with in "". Can any one let me know a work around or how can i implement this properly please

Use the SQL composition feature of psycopg2

from psycopg2 import sql

sql_update_query = sql.SQL(
    """update "YP_SUPPLIERS" 
          set {} = %s,
              {} = %s
        where "YP_SUPPLIERS"."supplierID" = %s""").format(

cursor.execute(sql_update_query, (value[0], value[1], supplierID))                        

Use this

sql_update_query = """update  YP_SUPPLIERS set %s =%s where supplierID= %s"""

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