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Parse Multiple Json Array Elements in Oracle

I have to parse below json in oracle that contain array element as showing below


I tried below statement

SELECT JSON_QUERY('{"orgPhoneNum":[["9952044727"],["5464646464"]]}', '$.orgPhoneNum') 

that return the result like


But i want to get the result like


What changes i will need to put in my query?

You can get the array values using JSON_TABLE and then aggregate using LISTAGG :

SELECT LISTAGG( orgPhoneNum, ',' ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY row_number )
         AS orgPhoneNums
         COLUMNS (
           row_number FOR ORDINALITY,
           orgPhoneNum VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$'

Which outputs:

 |  ORGPHONENUMS | |:-------------------- |  |  9952044727,5464646464 | 

db<>fiddle here

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