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Extract the key/value pair from all blocks of JSON Array and then append it as new key/value pair in each block of JSON Array using BASH and JQ

I am trying to create a script that extracts a few key/value from all the blocks of an array and then run another shell script using that value to generate a new value and then append that new key/value in all the blocks respectively.

for eg,

serverdetails.json file

  "server_details": [
      "seqNo": "01",
      "storage": "IBM",
      "datastore": "IDS-NR02",
      "cpu": 4,
      "site": "SGDC",
      "servertype": "Virtual Machine",
      "location": "Serangoon",
      "operatingsystem": "Linux",
      "systemcode": "BOC",
      "ram": 64,
      "databasesoftware": "MSSQL 2016",
      "usagetype": "Database Server",
      "environment": "Production_WithCustData",
      "domain": "DAPAC",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "DNS": "",
      "Gateway": "",
      "drives": [
          "C": "100"
          "D": "50"
      "seqNo": "02",
      "storage": "HITACHI",
      "datastore": "HDS-NR02",
      "cpu": 4,
      "site": "SGDR",
      "servertype": "Virtual Machine",
      "location": "DRC",
      "operatingsystem": "Windows",
      "systemcode": "WOC",
      "ram": 64,
      "databasesoftware": "NA",
      "usagetype": "Web Server",
      "environment": "Production_NonCustData",
      "domain": "EDAPAC",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "DNS": "",
      "Gateway": "",
      "drives": [
          "C": "100"
          "D": "50"
     //can be n no of blocks

Now Let's say block 1 has "site" value as "SGDC", "domain" as "DAPAC", "usagetype" as "Database Server", I will pass these values in another shell script(I ALREADY HAVE THIS Shell SCRIPT) as a parameter to generate a new value "SGDDAPACDS" and use this as a new key/value pair ie "hostname": "SGDDAPACDB" and append it into block 1. Similarly, block 2 will have "hostname": "SGDEDAPACWS". So in the end, the JSON should look like this,

  "server_details": [
      "seqNo": "01",
      "storage": "IBM",
      "datastore": "IDS-NR02",
      "cpu": 4,
      "site": "SGDC",
      "servertype": "Virtual Machine",
      "location": "Serangoon",
      "operatingsystem": "Linux",
      "systemcode": "BOC",
      "ram": 64,
      "databasesoftware": "MSSQL 2016",
      "usagetype": "Database Server",
      "environment": "Production_WithCustData",
      "domain": "DAPAC",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "DNS": "",
      "Gateway": "",
      "drives": [
          "C": "100"
          "D": "50"
      "hostname": "SGDDAPACDS"            //new value
      "seqNo": "02",
      "storage": "HITACHI",
      "datastore": "HDS-NR02",
      "cpu": 4,
      "site": "SGDR",
      "servertype": "Virtual Machine",
      "location": "DRC",
      "operatingsystem": "Windows",
      "systemcode": "WOC",
      "ram": 64,
      "databasesoftware": "NA",
      "usagetype": "Web Server",
      "environment": "Production_NonCustData",
      "domain": "EDAPAC",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "DNS": "",
      "Gateway": "",
      "drives": [
          "C": "100"
          "D": "50"
      "hostname": "SGDEDAPACWS"       //new value
     //can be n no of blocks

Thanks in advance

I am able to resolve it via script. Basically, I was struggling with single quotes and double qoutes.

Below is the sample script


if [ -f ./serv_details.json ]; 
    arrayCount=`jq '.server_details | length' ./serv_details.json`
    for (( ac=0; ac<arrayCount; ac++ ))
        SITE=$(jq -r ".server_details[$ac].site" serv.json)
        LOC=$(jq -r ".server_details[$ac].environment" serv.json )
        SEQ=$(jq -r ".server_details[$ac].seqNo" serv.json)
        HO=`./hostsample.sh $SITE $LOC $SEQ`;   # It generates the concated Value
        echo $HO
        cat serv.json | jq '.server_details['"$ac"'] += {"hostname": "'"$HO"'"}' | sponge serv.json
    echo "pls pass the value file"

Then the output will be

  "server_details": [
      "seqNo": "01",
      "storage": "IBM",
      "datastore": "IDS-G400-VS-DC-DE-T2-P01-NR02",
      "cpu": 4,
      "site": "SGDC",
      "servertype": "Virtual Machine",
      "location": "Serangoon",
      "operatingsystem": "Linux",
      "systemcode": "BOC",
      "ram": 64,
      "databasesoftware": "MSSQL 2016",
      "usagetype": "Database Server",
      "environment": "Production_WithCustData",
      "domain": "DAPAC",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "DNS": "",
      "Gateway": "",
      "drives": [
          "C": "100"
          "D": "50"
      "hostname": "SGDS01"
      "seqNo": "02",
      "storage": "HITACHI",
      "datastore": "HDS-G400-VS-DC-DE-T2-P01-NR02",
      "cpu": 4,
      "site": "SGDR",
      "servertype": "Virtual Machine",
      "location": "DRC",
      "operatingsystem": "Windows",
      "systemcode": "WOC",
      "ram": 64,
      "databasesoftware": "NA",
      "usagetype": "Web Server",
      "environment": "Production_NonCustData",
      "domain": "DAPAC",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "DNS": "",
      "Gateway": "",
      "drives": [
          "C": "100"
          "D": "50"
      "hostname": "SGDD02"

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