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Powershell check email address against a list of email addresses

I've been stuck for too long on this task. Im trying to check if a variable string($email) is in a list of strings($emaillist).

so if

$email = "you@email.com"

$t = $emaillist | Select-String $email

#If statement#$
write-host "yes" -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "No" -ForegroundColor red

This doesn't work because partials of the string passes. So I think I need to use some regex? '^$' Not sure how to use regex and the variable?

Any help is appreciated Thanks

If $emaillist is indeed a list of strings, why use Select-String ??

Just do

if ($emaillist -contains $email) {
    write-host "yes" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
    write-host "No" -ForegroundColor red
if ($emaillist -contains $email){
write-host "yes" -ForegroundColor Green

you could also use -in

some examples

$emaillist = @('abc@gmail.com','edf@gmail.com')
$email = 'abc@gmail.com'

$emaillist -contains $email ## true

$email -in $emaillist ##  returns true

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