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How can I modify my credit card validator program to check only for valid numbers in my last function that check the card type?

public class prog {

// Global variables to be use in the whole program
public static int numOfInvalids = 0 , visaNum=0 ; 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in) ;

    System.out.println("How many credit card you want to check?");
    int numOfCredit = userInput.nextInt() ;
    int creditnumbers[] = new int[numOfCredit] ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i<numOfCredit ; i++)
        System.out.println("Enter credit card number "+(i+1)+": ") ;
        String creditNumber = userInput.next() ;
        // checks if number is a credit number or not
        if (creditNumber.length()<16 || creditNumber.length()>19)            
            System.out.println("Not a credit card number!") ;
            prog.numOfInvalids ++ ;  // count number of invalid card numbers
            continue ;
        checkType(creditNumber) ;
        // calls function 

    System.out.println("Number of invalid: "+prog.numOfInvalids) ;
    System.out.println("Number of visa credit card: "+prog.visaNum) ;

private static boolean checkValid(String cardNumber)        // function to check if card number is valid or not 
    int cardlength = cardNumber.length();
    int evenSum = 0, oddSum = 0, sum;
    for (int i = cardlength - 1; i >= 0; i--)  //looping from the right 
        int digit = Character.getNumericValue(cardNumber.charAt(i));  // Character.getNumericValue = convert char to integer
        if (i % 2 == 0)  // taking every 2nd digits from the right e.g 2nd..4th..6th..8th etc.
            int multiplyByTwo = digit * 2;     // multiply each 2nd digits by 2
            if (multiplyByTwo > 9)  // Add two digits to handle cases that make two digits after doubling  e.g (6 * 2 = 12) = 1 + 2
                String doubleDigits = String.valueOf(multiplyByTwo);  // convert double digit to String for use of charAt function
                multiplyByTwo = Character.getNumericValue(doubleDigits.charAt(0)) + Character.getNumericValue(doubleDigits.charAt(1));   //convert each character to integer and add them together
            evenSum += multiplyByTwo;  // add product digits together
            oddSum += digit;      // Add sum of digits that weren’t multiplied by 2
    sum = evenSum + oddSum;   //Adding both sums together
    if (sum % 10 == 0)       //if sum is multiple of 10 , it is valid 

        System.out.println("valid card");
        return true;    
        System.out.println("invalid card") ; 
        prog.numOfInvalids ++ ; // count the number of invalid card numbers
        return false;

private static boolean checkType(String cardNumber) // function to check card type 

    if ( (cardNumber.charAt(0)=='4') && cardNumber.length()==13 || cardNumber.length()==16 )  //checking first character and length of card number
                visaNum ++ ; // counting number of visa cards 
                return true;    
                return false;

} }

I want to check the card type for valid cards only from the first function "check Valid" into my last function "Check Type "

Is there any way I can save the valid numbers from the first function and use them in the "Check Type " function?

I want to check the card type for valid cards only from the first function "check Valid" into my last function "Check Type "

Is there any way I can save the valid numbers from the first function and use them in the "Check Type " function?

Assumptions based on the question

  1. Need to infer card type only for valid cards
  2. Function return type can not be changed

Possible approach

  1. Add a if check on the response of checkValid and if its true, then call checkType
   if (checkValid(creditNumber) {


  1. Irrespective of this solution, please improve the formatting while coding and asking questions as it will help others to better understand the problem.

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